Thursday, October 29, 2015

Week 7 Recap

Is this man a better Fantasy Football player than us?

I find that hard to believe, but still it's hard to argue with a 7-0 record. Perhaps all the other managers in his league have the mental capacity of the B team minus Team Fox when it comes to FF this year...

Anyways, let's get to making fun of all of you...

So far it's shaping up for a "race" to the finish for the distinguished title of the League's Worst Team. It really feels like you're watching an event at the Special Olympics with performance of all these teams so far.

Half the Man I Used to Be still has a 1 game lead on the field, but it's getting congested just like a large amount of turds being flushed down the toilet with 4 teams having a 2-5 record.

The Original RG and Stormin Mormon still command the best records in the league.

When the schedule was draft all we heard about was how there would be "parity this year with the top teams from last year all playing each other," but somehow the mastermind behind the schedule did not put these Division winners from last year playing each other...Conspiracy? Smells like it to me...

This week's Bench Get Off Me Award presented by IKEA goes to Philanthropist Fletch for starting Rashad Jennings (1 point) over that lovable midget Darren Sproles. Sprole's 8 points would have been more than enough to squeak by You Win...You Lose. See, I told you that he'd find a way to lose....the Blog does not lie!

There's really not much more to say, almost half the league sucks and the usual people are winning. No one comments on the blog or makes death threats against me, so it's kind boring...I expected better.

I miss the good ole days when certain owners would make ridiculous trades, feelings would get hurt, and rivalries were real...

Have we all grown up? Are we all mature functioning adults now? Is everyone suddenly Politically Correct?

Where have the glory days of this league gone?

Until next week..

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