Wednesday, December 23, 2015

Playoffs Par Deux

I apologize for the lack of pictures this week, typing this from your phone in the Atlanta airport is harder than it looks.

Well the wildcard round is over and the two teams that had no business being in the playoffs have been eliminated faster than a 300lb defensive tackle running through the fourth floor window after a bad trip...

Speech Mode & Team Shaft you both had boring, lackluster, and mediocre season; so it's fitting that you both lost in the 1st round of the playoffs. Considering both of your crappy teams were extremely lucky to even make it into the playoffs, getting knocked out in the first round should come as no surprise to either of you.

Gentlemen, you both suck at fantasy football, life, growing facial hair, both your professional football teams are horrendous this year, and may God have mercy on your souls. We salute you for your suckatude and now you're just like the 14 other teams in the league...eliminated.

Matchup One:

In what has to be the worst performance of the season, Speech Mode completely failed to take advantage of The Original RG's QB poor tackling ability and scoring a grand total of 0 fantasy points. His 88 point performance was his season's worst. Way to save it up for the playoffs douchebag!

I mean how pathetic is this team?

How can you go from scoring 188 points the week before to only scoring 88 in the most important week of the season? It was a performance that only Peyton Manning and a mother could love.

This team just sucks...plain and simple, how the owner managed to make the playoffs is past me. For all you losers who didn't make the playoffs, you all should feel ashamed, embarrassed, and question your life for the simple fact that this team was better than yours during the season.

Matchup Two:
Team Shaft's performance was just as bad, as he failed to crack 100 even though his defense put up 23 points. Good news is that you would've beaten Stormin Mormon this week, bad news is that you just plain suck.

Not breaking 100 isn't anything new to this team, he should graciously thank the other owners in his division for being worse at clicking positions and hitting the submit button than him so he was able to win the CUSA/AFC South of fantasy football. I don't know what pisses me off more that he gets $25 for winning his division or that he gets to pick his division again next year. Just like getting a damn participation trophy, being a failure at fantasy football shouldn't be rewarded.

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