Thursday, December 3, 2015

Week 12 Wrap Up

*First of all, the editor of the blog does not appreciate others doing his job for him. We (well really just me singular) don't need you interjecting your two cents about what you thought the beat down of the week was or you general opinion on others. So please leave the public shaming and ridiculing to the professionals.

Alright, so let's get to it.

Well you can tell that the bye weeks are over because points weren't at a premium this week with a league average of 117.625 points scored. Hell even you special needs teams almost broke triple digits, you're big kids, look what you can do!

The matchup of the week did not disappoint! It seems like Team Shaft was able to shake off the injury bug and scored 169 points. Sad day for Kenny Loggins Powers his 141 points would have beaten twelve (12) other teams this week, but sometimes that's just how the cookie crumbles...

This week's Bench Get Off Me award (presented by The Mensch on a Bench) is presented to...

Philanthropist Fletch for leaving the Jets' D/ST and their 7 points on the bench and instead getting a whopping -3 points from the Steelers. That's a page straight out of  Roger Goodell'd's playbook.

So let's see what happened this week:

Well looks like if you're not Prestige Worldwide, Stormin Mormon, The Original RG, Team Shaft, Team Fox, or Speech Mode, you're a complete and total failures at managing imaginary football teams and you didn't make the playoffs, better luck next year losers and enjoy the consolation bracket.

1st place and a signification amount of cash is down to a ménage a trios of the male variety, I don't support that lifestyle, but know of two (2) teams in this league that would be into that. Prestige Worldwide (1604), Stormin Mormon (1554), and The Original RG (1544).

With one week left it's down to four (4) teams for the honor of Worst Loser. The following teams share a 3-9 record, a love for bright colors, water on the brain, and having to go to those "special" classes in high school. LeGarrette's Blount's, Quinn's Redumption Tour, Group Therapy's Walking Wounded, and Philanthropist Fletch.  LeGarrette's Blount's finally cracked 1000 points for the season. I remember what that felt like, you always remember your first they say. I think he's got this locked up, so enjoy owing $100 and having your team name completely out of your control next year.

I would like to nominate both Half the Man Roy Wiliams Was and Roger Goodell'd for really turning their seasons around. You both could finish 7-6 or below .500 and still complete losers. You both almost made the playoffs, gold star for both of you, but maybe someone can go make you pancakes...

Well we will see you when this whole 2015 regular season is wrapped up...

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