Friday, November 13, 2015

Week 10 Matchup of the Week Retraction

Gentlemen, we all can't be perfect.

We can't all graduate from two (2) prestigious pretentious liberal arts institutions. These institutes of higher learning not only share the share colors of purple and white, but also have the reputation for producing well-rounded douchebags in society. You'll find them at any Bernie Sanders rally holding up a sign blaming everything on the 1%...MAN!

Not every institution can have courses such as The Quest for the Holy Grail or be located in hip "thriving" metropolitan areas famous for starting the Bojangles and Mardi Gras.

While some of us decided to go to actual cheaper State funded Universities, these individuals instead blazed needless trails through both their and their parent's pocket books wasting extravagant amounts of money on a tiny piece of paper declaring that you were able to take a break from play Halo long enough to attend class and answer a few questions correctly while battling a hangover from Zima or Smirnoff Ice, but not Boone's Farm because we know you're more high class than that! Oh I apologize for the run-on sentence apparently English wasn't a strong point for my high learning institution either in addition to mathematics.

So we all bow down and look enviously at your superior education that in no way prepared you for the real world or your job. You sir are a rebel (well you're not really a rebel or black bear for that matter) among us mortal men just stuck here with our degrees from the lesser Universities in the state. We salute you!

So that being said, we here at the Blog must Retract our statement made previously in the Week 10 Matchup of the Week where it was stated as follows:

"PWW is coming off a victory over the number one team in the league, as well as, a dominating performance against Team Shaft during Rivalry Week."

This is a bold face lie!

Our head writer's mind failed him, just like Andre Johnson, while trying to recount week 7. Team Shaft did in fact not fall to PWW, but instead was victorious.

See below for further proof of this victory.

Again the editor of the blog apologizes for this mishap and the guilty parties will be punished for this lack of oversight. We strive to obtain a certain era of excellence at the blog, but this time we have let you down.

Please forgive us and remember, we can't all have liberal arts degrees, someone has to actually work while you kids sit around and complain about how hard the world is...

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