For a group of 16 males, there sure are a lot of you on the rag lately...
"They won't approve my trade, waaaaaaaa, I want to quit, I don't want to play next year, this league is too expensive"...and that's just from the guy who's in first place...
Put a Tampax in it Sugar Tits, this is Fantasy Football and just like baseball, there's no room for crying here.
The trade deadline has come and passed and it's obvious that one team is making moves. We all wonder what could of been if You win...you lose had put as much effort into the previous 10 weeks as he has these past 72 hours.
Here's an exert from an article by Matthew Berry on trades etiquette that someone brought up this week to me:
5. Veto the veto. You've heard me say this before, but until this miscarriage of justice is abolished, you're going to keep hearing it. Unless you can prove actual collusion, no trade should ever be vetoed. It is not your job to manage someone's team for them. Everyone should be allowed to manage their own team their own way. Even if you don't agree with it. Even if it's badly. You don't think he got nearly enough for his star tight end? So what? Not your team, not your tight end. The guy dealing him thought he got a good deal, that's all that matters. There's a special level of hell reserved for the people who veto just because it's a deal that didn't involve them or because "it's part of their strategy." That's not strategy, it's being a jerk. Win on the virtual field, not in some technocratic loophole. The art of negotiation is a skill in fantasy and is part of the game. A big part.
First of all let me say, I have no respect for Matthew Berry or balding people in general. You're going to tell me what to do with my life/lineup when you can't make a commitment to either try and save your thinning hair or just shave it off?
I sit down on Sunday mornings and listen to him sell me mystical hopes and dreams about player projects only to have his perfect lineup complete crap the bed. I might as well be watching one of those pyramid scheme infomercials. So why the hell would I put any stock in anything that comes out of this (pardon the lack of a better term) no-good-reliability-of-a-weatherman-ass-clown?
ESPN projections are garbage, when was the last time any projection for your player came even remotely close to being accurate? John Brown was supposed to score 13 points last week, he didn't even catch a pass.
And your Love/Hate weekly article, Matt?
Complete rubbish too.
You know what I would love...you and Stephen A. to get Dan Patricked from ESPN.
You know what I would hate...how you get paid a handsome salary for just pulling advice out of your ass.
I'm surprised you don't get your ass kicked weekly by your peers for bad advice. Apparently Helen Keller could win your league.
If I ever ran into Matthew Berry in the airport, I'd punch him in the face and demand he pay me back the $240 I lost b/c he told me to start Shonn Green over Mario Manningham in the championship game of the 2011 season.
So that being said, read it if you'd like, I think it's a complete cop-out b/c to me the veto is strategy. If I can keep someone in my division or I anticipate playing in the playoff from having a player, then WHY THE HELL WOULD I NOT VETO A TRADE.
I guess Matt doesn't believe in working the waiver wire, trying to actually win his league, democracy, or 'Merica either.
Rant over, well sort of...let's get to what happened as best as I can recall b/c as was pointed out last week, my public Mississippi institutional education sometimes fails me.
People say I'm too negative, so let's start this out by being a little nicer..
Welcome back to relevance Half the Man Roy Wiliams Was at 5-5 you find yourself flirting with a winning season!
Congrats Group Therapy's Walking Wounded on beating your protégé, if that's a compliment at all, and picking up your second win of the season.
Don't look now, but Lionel Richie All Night Long is going to make the playoffs with cupcake games coming up against teams with water heads for managers. 8-4 and a spot in the playoffs on the horizon for this team.
Team Fox and Speech Mode face off this week in what will ultimately put one of these teams out of the playoffs. It's sad that both of these teams would be in first place in the Stark Division and one of them won't make the playoffs, sorta like how things are in the real league.
Ok, I'm finished, that was like when your mom made you be nice to the fat smelly kid in class.
Weekly Awards!
The Corn Nuts Bold Move of the Week goes to...
Jay and Not So Silent Shawn for elected to not start a kicker and barely by the length of a roach and sneaking past LeGarrette's Blount's by one (1) point.
There's no Bench Get Off Me Award this week b/c nobody's bench would have made a difference.
Good new everyone! There will be no more Idiot of the Week awards b/c it's obvious that the "manager" from Roger Goodell'd is incapable of making rational decisions beside where to go grab a cold beer and gaze on several tvs or fake boobs. We are just going to go ahead and award him this award for the rest of the year. You Sir are a sad excuse for Fantasy Football manager.
That's it for me, until we meet again..

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