Tuesday, October 25, 2016

Week 7 Recap

It might of taken a year and halfway through the 2016 Fantasy Football season, but finally Prestige Worldwide (6-1) has finally been defeated!

The Match-up of the Week did not disappoint as Team Shaft (6-1) was able to overcome a one (1) catch performance by Jordy Nelson thanks to a strong performance by A.J. Green and his D...wait that just sounds wrong...hopefully these two (2) guys can make up after this week, but this loss might make that hard for PWW to get over.

Sadly, PWW still remains the Number Uno team in the league, so gentlemen, let's do something about that over the next seven (7) weeks. But let's all be honest, the real winner of Week Seven has to be this guy...

Not only has he turned his season around by winning five straight after dropping his first two games, but he's gone out there and gotten himself a new job! Congratulations are in order for Nathan's Moist Rowellettes (5-2)! Enjoy this season b/c you won't be invited back next year sir.

Rivalry Week actually lived up the hype for once with two (2) games ending in a stalemate. Team Schaeffer BMW (2-3-2) has as many ties on the season as he does wins, now that's talent!

In an effort to highlight the exceptional managerial decisions of some, let's look at what happened this week or didn't...

Team Stenmark (3-4) decided to go with the hot arm of Brian Hoyer this week only to see his hopes of winning broken early in the first half of the Thursday night game. A better option would've been Tyrod Taylor and his 24 points just wasting away on his bench. Great job sir your bench barely missed out scoring your starters 50-58.

For Whom the Bell Tolls (1-6) decided that week 7's highest scoring player Davante Adams and his 39 points were needed to pad his bench stats.

This week's move of the week has to go to Philanthropist Fletch (2-4-1) as he was able to grab up the 10th highest scorer of the week, Jay Ajayi (29 points) off waivers. Hey it might of cost you $53 auction dollars, but winning each week is priceless...

Speaking of FLET, Don't look now, but this team is on a roll now picking up his 2nd win in a row, could the playoffs be on the horizon for this lovable band of misfits....

This Week's Bottom Four is presented by King Oscar Norwegian cod Liver!

The only thing that has changed with the Bottom Four is a name change for one (1) owner and the overall order. Unchanged is the reality that these four teams suck ass and I'm too uncreative to come up with something witty and funny about each this week, so just see last week's write-up for that.

#15 - Philanthropist Fletch (2-4-1) 756 points scored: 108 points per week

#16 - My Dak in A Box (2-5) 787 points scored: 112 points per week

#17 - For Whom the Bell Tolls (1-6) 692 points scored: 99 points per week

#18 - Legendary Dozers (1-6) 637 points scored average score: 91 points per week

Before I leave you, I'd like us all to remember a few weeks ago when this beauty of a transaction happened...

Yeah, looks like a sound investment now...

Until we meet Thursday boys, hopefully you're having a better week than this guy...


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