Thursday, December 22, 2016

Playoffs Round Duece

Welcome to the second week, both underdogs from last week won, so somehow here we's not really fun when the teams you make fun of win, I kinda makes you look like an asshole and douchebag even though you're already doing a great job of that anyway by writing a blog about an imaginary team of professional athletes run by overweigh, out of shape, balding middle aged men.

Anyways, I digress....Our first matchup!  Again similarly to last week, this one doesn't even appear close, but last week these boys somehow found a way to turn an 18 point line into a 17 point victory.
Somewhere, somehow their luck has to run out right? Plus this week they find themselves taking on a team that's only lost twice in two (2) years.

Normally I'd say bank on Prestige Worldwide for the victory, but these two have defy all logic this season.

It's truly going to be two idiots, one trophy this off season.

The only thing Because Shawn Hated TY has going for themselves is Matty Ice, looking over everything else you're really just dumbfounded at how they won last week or even made it in the playoffs to begin with.

Personally I'd love it if either Kenny Britt or Sam Bradford tipped the scales in either team's favor, but hell like that will happen...the fantasy gods have not been kind to me this season in any facet.

Final Thoughts: Prestige Worldwide plays for his second championship in a row and third overall next week.

Dos Match Up

In what should be the more competitively balanced matchup of the week, Team Stenmark travels to the snowy peaks of the rockies to take on Mr. Steal Your Gurley.

This one should be close, but I see the tired broken down horse that is Team Stenmark finally arriving at the glue factory in this one as Mr. Steal Your Gurley finishes his last season in our league out in the championship game.

Happy Chrismahanukwazakah to you and whoever you fall asleep next to each night, either living or inanimate.

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