Tuesday, December 6, 2016

Unlucky 13

It doesn't get any better than this, one (1) week to go and only The Hamilton Division has been decided.
The Ralph Division comes down to whoever wins between Kenny Loggins Powers (6-7) and Team Stenmark (6-7), you read that right the winner of this Division will have a .500 record...talk about a free win in the playoffs! The Alford Division is a little more competitive and will be decided by if Team Shaft (9-4) or Mr. Steal Your Gurley (8-5) win their respective match-ups.
Prestige Worldwide (12-1) and Team Shaft (9-4) are locks for the playoffs while this last week's match-up will decide the fate for seven (7) other teams!
The only thing that is certain is that either Team Schaeffer BMW (3-8-2) or Legendary Dozers (3-10) will finish in last place.
Don't look now, but Philanthropist Fletch (4-7-2) has a better record that The Original RG (4-8-1)....if Fletch is able to somehow take down Mr. Steal Your Gurley this week he'll pocket crisp cool 5 spot from Mr. RG himself, which is something that hasn't happened in years. Here's cheering for you kid!
I know the Blog has been slacking lately and I take complete responsibility for this. I promise to have an in-depth review of the regular season next week and an exciting playoff preview for you also.

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